2024 Astrology and Journal Questions
Astrology and Journal Questions for 2024
2024 Astrology of the Year
Keywords: Truth, Relationships, Empowered Transformation for the Good of All.
Conjunction (0 degrees):
Meaning: Planets in conjunction are close together in the same zodiac sign. This aspect intensifies the energy of the involved planets, creating a powerful and focused influence. The nature of the conjunction depends on the planets involved.
Opposition (180 degrees):
Meaning: Planets in opposition are directly across from each other. This aspect often symbolizes tension and the need for balance. It can indicate a dynamic interaction between opposing forces, and finding a middle ground is crucial for harmony.
Trine (120 degrees):
Meaning: Planets in trine form an angle of approximately 120 degrees. This aspect signifies harmony and flow between the planets involved. It often indicates natural talents, ease, and positive circumstances.
Square (90 degrees):
Meaning: Planets in square create a 90-degree angle, indicating tension and challenges. This aspect suggests internal or external conflicts that require resolution and personal growth. It can be a source of motivation for change.
Sextile (60 degrees):
Meaning: Planets in sextile form an angle of 60 degrees, indicating opportunities and positive interactions. This aspect suggests potential for growth and ease in communication between the planets involved.
Quincunx (150 degrees):
Meaning: Planets in quincunx are 150 degrees apart, creating a sense of awkwardness and adjustment. This aspect implies a need for adaptation and integration between the energies of the planets, often requiring conscious effort.
Semi-Sextile (30 degrees):
Meaning: Planets in semi-sextile form a 30-degree angle, suggesting subtle and supportive connections. This aspect indicates a mild influence, and its effects may not be as pronounced as some of the other aspects.
Semi-Square (45 degrees) and Sesquiquadrate (135 degrees):
Meaning: These are minor challenging aspects that may bring some tension and friction, though their effects are generally less powerful than squares and oppositions.
January- Ambition, Career, Structural New Beginnings and Endings
Elements: Fire and Earth
January 1st: Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn goes direct
$ January 4th: Mars enters Capricorn till February 12.
We will feel more inclined toward action-oriented goals and tasks in our work. We will feel more grounded in our actions and get clear on what is realistic, what works, and what doesn’t.
$ January 9th Mars Sextiles Saturn
Persistence and adulting in your work will only allow you to grow and reap the rewards.
January 11th: New Moon in Capricorn
January 12- Mars Trines Jupiter Moon sextiles Jupiter
This will be a day where, in terms of success and work, you will feel an abundance of work and ideas on success. This is also an excellent day for things to flow more fluidly and positively.
January 19th: Mercury Trines Jupiter
Speak from the heart, and do not let emotions override the truth of your day, but let me guide you deeper down the path.
* January 20th- Pluto Cazimi with Capricorn Pluto moves into Aquarius till September 1.
Social structures, technology, and collective thought. Just to give an idea of the impact: the last time Pluto was in Aquarius was in the late 1700s during the American Revolution, French Revolution, and the start of the Industrial Revolution. Think back to March through June of 2023, when the first ingress of Pluto into Aquarius brought endless conversation about the ethics and impact of AI. The category is Aliens. Robots. The future is now.
January 25th: Full Moon in Leo- brings about emotions of self-confidence, joy, and honoring yourself.
<3 January 28th- Venus (planet of love) Trines (energy flows seamlessly, brings blessings) Jupiter (planet of success and abundance).
Astrological Journal Question for January:
Will I move with change that can better myself and the greater good of society, or will we resist the inevitable?
What ignites and feeds my spirit in terms of my goals?
How do I best flow with the energy of my goals for this month?
How do I get realistic and release what does not serve me to expand into a realistic energy that does?
February- Introspection and Ideas, Learning, and Self-Evaluation
Elements: Air and Water
February 9th New Moon in Aquarius - Innovation, Humanitarian Pursuits, comminute, social connections, authenticity. Future aligned with ideas and ideals.
February 13- Mars Conjunct Pluto in Aquarius
It is a very structural or politically idea-charged day. This is the day when we may think about our ideas that help propel transformation, evolution, and leadership. This can be a day where we feel deeply about how we best lead. It can also be a day that begs questions about how we live our lives and how our lives benefit others and ourselves.
February 19- Chiron Conjuncts North Node in Aries
This is an excellent time for healing and self-evaluation. Chiron wishes to heal in a very action-oriented style.
February 24th Full Moon in Virgo - Practicality, emotions, organization, rationality, and refining goals. Balance between emotions and practicality.
February 28th- Sun conjuncts with Mercury, Saturn Cazimi Pisces
Express yourself. It’s an opportunity for effective communication, self-expression, and realistic goal-oriented manifestation and vision boards. If your Saturn return is in Pisces, you will feel these themes. Align dreams and reality, perspective and purpose.
February 29th- Mercury Sextiles Jupiter
Learning broadens perspective, positive communication, and ideas. Open-minded discussion and learning.
Astrological Journal Questions for February:
How do I best get out of my own way and peel back the layers of myself to become more self-aware?
What dreams and projects am I ready to fine-tune and make more of a reality?
How do my goals for myself serve a more significant and higher purpose and good?
March- Relationships, Ending Old relationship patterns, and redefining love and wealth.
Elements: Water
March 1st- Sun Sextiles Jupiter
Positive alignment opportunity growth, goals with enthusiasm. Personal and professional endeavors will be met with confidence with this energy.
March 9- Mars in Aquarius Squares Uranus in Taurus
Mars, the planet of actions, and Aquarius, a rebellious zodiac sign, is going to be challenging the ideas of Taurs in Uranus, which symbolizes a desire to create innovative ideas toward pleasure and stability. This can be a time of debate, especially regarding financial matters and how one wants to be rebellious and change regarding abundance and pursuits towards stability. It can be triggering regarding ideas around abundance and finances and how one wants to do things differently. If one rises to meet this energy with maturity and accepting responsibility, in can be a great time for growth.
March 10- New Moon th in Pisces sensitivity, creativity, set intentions when it comes to healing emotional pursuits, dreams, and self-care.
From March 11th till April 4, Venus will be in Pisces. Break out the candles and the romance because this energy brings about compassion, empathy, and artistic expression. Idealizing a heightened appreciation of art, music, and the relationships that sweep you off your feet.
March 24th- Venus sextiles Jupiter relationships benefit from romance, open communication, appreciate of beauty, connection, and growth. This is a great time for coming at love from a beautiful openly emotional place.
March 25th- Full Moon Lunar South Node Eclipse in Libra
A culmination of balance, harmony, and relationships. Releasing old patterns, letting go of the past, and letting go of outdated relationship patterns.
Astrological Journal Questions For March
What relationship and relationship patterns no longer serve me?
How do I make space for the magick of love in my life?
What relationship aspects bring harmony and balance to my life and lift me?
How do I define true abundance?
April-. Stepping into Your Power, Desires, Getting Clear on who You are, shadow work.
Elements: Fire
April 1st - Mercury retrograde in Aries till April 25th
Be mindful of communication; this is a time of reflection and consideration, and stay adaptable.
April 3rd- Venus conjuncts Neptune
True feelings can be admitted with this dreamy kind of conjunction. Relationship sensitivity and deep emotional connections. Knight of Cups Energy. Be careful of overspending and fantasy.
April 8th- New Moon in Aries, Solar Eclipse in North Node Aries, Chiron Cazimi in Aries.
Potent time for self-discovery and healing. Addressing old wounds with a bold approach, Personal growth and destiny, individuality, courage, and new beginnings, take bold steps and step into your power. It is a powerful time for self-discovery, self-awareness, and healing, propelling you to your true purpose and fulfillment.
April 10th- Mars Conjunction Saturn in Pisces
Challenges and care assertiveness in terms of your dreams and planning. This day will require balance in terms of your dreams and goals, met with an energy of maturity.
April 11- Sun conjoins Mercury retrograde in Cazimi
Innovative ideas of this theme. Illumination of the themes of the Mercury Retrograde. Bringing insights out of the shadows.
April 17th- Venus conjoins North Node
Love and relationships creativity intersect with what you are drawn to and in your destiny.
April 19th- Mars Sextiles Jupiter, Mercury Rx Conjoins Venus
Complete actions, collaboration, motivation, and opportunity. It is a time for revisiting relationships and re-considering matters of the heart.
April 20th- Jupiter Conjuntion Uranus in Taurus
This is an auspicious time when innovation can bring about abundance.
April 23rd- Full Moon in Scorpio
Depth of feelings bringing hidden matters to lights, powerful shits, and rebirth.
April 25- Mercury Stations Direct
April 29th- Venus enters Taurus with sensuality, love, appreciation for beauty, and a beautiful time, encouraging stability for loyalty and financial matters and a time to savor life's joy and connections. A time of pleasure and loyalty.
April 30th- Mars enters Aries—a time for action.
How am I transforming in my relationships and actions during this time?
How am I healing in relationships and actions during this time?
How do I best step into my power and most vibrant self?
May- Love, Transformative Healing Empowerment, Higher Love, Learning, Pleasure
Elements: Fire and Earth
May 3rd- Mars Sexitles Pluto Retrograde
Assertive energy and inward transformation. Profound personal transformation, resilience, strategic planning. Evaluate power dynamics for long-term evolution.
May 7th- New Moon in Taurus - grounded in material comfort, beauty, manifesting goals,
May 18th, 2024 Jupiter Conjoins Sun Cazimi Taurus amplifies abundance, expansion, material well being, ambitious goals and creating a beautiful environment.
May 19- Mars Conjuncts North Node Aries - assertive action aligned with life purpose and taking initiative. Personal growth and leadership.
May 23rd Venus conjoins Jupiter, then sextiles Neptune
Full Moon in Sagittarius
Optimism romance, joy love, adventure, open mindedness, favorable time, and nurturing creative side, cultural experiences.
May 25th- Jupiter Conjoins Gemini Communication and the desire for learning, networking, and broadening your knowledge. Open-mindedness, travel, and education. Expand mental horizon.
May 29th- Mars Conjoins Chiron in Aries - Assertiveness towards healing, pursuing goals. Opportunities to confront and overcome past pounds with courage and a sense of who I am.
How may I be assertive and remove the mask in my relationships?
How are my current relationships healing me? How do I heal in relationships?
How do I lean into the sweetness of all that is around me?
June- Communication, Insights, Honesty, Flirting and Power Dynamics
Elements: Air
June 2nd- Jupiter Trines Pluto Rx Expansion and Transformation. Personal and collective growth and belief systems. Conversations around empowerment, transformation, and resilience.
June 3rd- Mercury Trines Pluto Rx deep transformative communication, aha moments, problem solving a great time for meaningful conversations, and allowing communication to bring about transformation. Research, transformational thinking.
June 4th- Venus Cazimi Gemini- Cham, expressing affection through words, summer of love.
Mercury conjoins Jupiter - expansive thinking, flirting, witty positive discussions, Jane Austen time period.
June 6th-New Moon in Gemini- Setting intentions, learning, communication, adaptability, embracing people, and a playful approach to life.
June 11th- Mars Squares Pluto in Aquarius
Intense energy, power, struggles, and assertiveness in construction, but not throwing your weight around. If you can approach your honest goals with a sense of grounded, slow, and steady compassion, it can only help you transform in a healthy, innovative, action-oriented way.
June 14th- Sun Conjoins Mercury -Time for learning, mental clarity, and communication. Expressing ideas with confidence.
June 17th- Mercury conjoins Venus - creating a harmonious blend of charm, diplomacy, and expression of affection.
June 21st- Full Moon in Capricorn
Mercury Sextiles Mars
Practicality with assertive communication. Thoughtful communication and focus mindset.
June 28th- Venus Sextiles Mars -Love and Passion, romantic connections, mutual understanding. A balanced approach to relationships.
What have I learned, or what has piqued my interest the most this month?
What conversations have filled me up, and why?
How do I use my words for positive change and transformation, instead of using them to cut and hurt?
July-Commitment, Spontiety Values, What’s Clear, What’s Illusion, Go For Broke.
Elements: Water
July 2nd- Venus Trines Saturn Rx blast from the past you can learn from, commitment, loyalty, love and stability, responsible and mature approach to matters of the heart.
Neptune Goes Retrograde in Pisces -Introspection and Spiritual Connection. Mystic and Witchy Times. Water witch times.
July 5th- New Moon in Cancer - Great time for a home cleansing and a getting together. Family, Home, Nurturing connections, self-care.
July 8th- Mercury Sextiles Jupiter - communication thinking and intellectual growth, learning.
July 11th- Venus Trines Neptune Rx- Romantic time, love and imagination, creativity and dreamyness. Be cautious of idealization.
July 15th- Mars Conjoins Uranus -
Unpredictable, bold actions, spontaneity, elopement, maybe?
July 21st- full Moon in Capricorn
Venus Sextiles Jupiter
Mars Trines Pluto Rx
Practically, optimism and transformative energy. Harmony, positive financial developments, and assertive transformative energy. Possible promotions or personal growth/ career growth.
July 26- Chiron Goes Retrograde till December internal healing and self-reflection, and the potential for transformative healing. Unresolved emotional and even physical healing. Releasing old emotional burdens. Self-care, acceptance, and embracing one's vulnerabilities.
What has brought you clarity?
What spontaneous events may have happened? What did you do differently this month?
What does the holistic side of your healing journey look like?
August- Forced Prioritization and Examination.
Elements: Air, Earth, Fire, a bit of chaos
August 4-28th Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo
New Moon in Leo
It is a time when you can easily get frustrated as a perfectionist, and your ego will get checked. It is a time when you must release perfectionism and tune on into clear, slow, thoughtful communication, knowing that you can just be you and you don’t have to try to hard as you communicate with others. Double-check contracts.
August 7th-
Mercury Rx Conjoins Jupiter
Sun Sextiles Jupiter
Reconsidering plans, gaining a broader perspective, and learning from the past, personal clear reflective thinking, and abundant opportunities.
August 14- Mars Conjunction Jupiter in Gemini
Creates a dynamic and energizing alignment. Bold Actions can lead to significant progress. Explore new ideas, and embrace abundance and education: intellectual pursuits and communication.
August 15- Mars in Gemini Squares Saturn In Pisces
Assertiveness and discipline, and the need for careful approaches. Obstacles that may require patience and opportunity to navigate obstacles with balance between thoughtfulness and actions.
August 18th-
Venus Square Jupiter
Sun Conjoins Jupiter Retrograde
Self-discovery re-assessment, especially in areas of overindulgence. Internal growth and reflection, and re-assessing beliefs when it comes to love. Gaining insights and how we tend to overindulge and give too much of ourselves.
August 19- Full Moon Aquarius
Jupiter in Gemini Squares Saturn in Pisces
Embracing uniqueness and pursuing forward thinking. Personal freedom and collective well-being. The desire to explore and the necessity of practical grounded solutions. Optimism vs. Realism. New ideas with practical life realities.
August 29th- Venus in Libra till Sept.
Venus Trines Pluto
Appreciation for beauty adds depth, intensity, powerful transformative connections, and deepens personal bonds and balance.
What internal revelations have presented themselves for this month?
How have I created a balance between bold actions and dreams and slow me methodical, realistic planning?
How can I be more compassionate with myself?
September- Revelations, Where Chicken Comes to Roost
Elements: Earth Water
September 1st- Pluto Enters Capricorn -
Profound transformation within political and economical structures. Re-building and intense scrutiny.
Uranus Station Retrogrades - May 2025-An inner revolution, introspection, and internal shifts. Individuality, desire for progress, and we will question the status quo—unexpected and transformative changes.
September 2nd- New Moon In Virgo
Mars in Gemini Squares Neptune in Pisces
Ground intentions, and be mindful of action and intention, imagination, and reality; when navigated consciously, you can create detailed goals for dreams. Balancing realism and visionary thinking. (Gemini) Adaptability and a willingness to explore different perspectives. Getting real on your dreams.
September 3rd- Venus Conjuncts South Node in Libra
Past Karma and what needs to be released and transformed. A period where there is healing of unhealthy relationship patterns. Revisiting and releasing any imbalances.
September 14- Venus Libra Trines Jupiter in Gemini
Intellectual curiosity, adaptability, open-minded conversations, a great time for optimism, and expansion in a healthy social life.
September 17th- Full Moon Lunar North Node Eclipse in Pisces
Culmination and illumination, path growth and evolution, embracing empathy, creativity and emotions may be heightened, as well as compassion and understanding. Aligning with your higher self.
September 29- Mars Trines Saturn Rx progress comes with well-thought-out efforts and structured goal-oriented opportunities. Enduring effort and strategic actions can lead to long-term achievements.
September 30th- Sun Conjoins Mercury
Clarity of communication, self-expression, and alignment harmoniously with your core identity and reality.
What challenges have you overcome so far?
What deep conversations have given me a new perspective?
How am I coming into alignment with my highest self, with every small step, every seemingly small win?
October- Coming Up for Air, Eclipse Season, Shadow Work, Finding Balance
Elements: Fire
October 2nd- New Moon South Node Solar Eclipse in Libra-
Fresh Star of releasing and reflection. This is a great time to reflect on this past year and inspire goals for the next. A reflection on healthy relationship dynamics and move away from behaviors hindering personal growth. Finding a balance between individual needs and partnerships.
October 4th- Venus Trines Saturn Retrograde
Long Term Commitment to love beauty. Stability in relationships and strengthening bonds. Financial discipline.
October 8th- Venus Trines Mars
Mercury Trines Jupiter
I had a great time communicating and expressing love. A harmonious dance between love, passion, and expansive thinking. Balance and understanding. Open communication and learning from one another. Creative collaborations.
October 9th- Jupiter Retrograde Begins- Inner growth: inward Expansion and reflection on beliefs and values. Reassess life direction.
October 11th- Pluto Goes Direct towards Aquaruis
October 13th- Sun Trines Jupiter Rx
Mercury Enters Scorpio
Optimism growth and positive outlook, deep thoughts, shadow work, transformative discussions, speaking more about the secretly taboo things, and a focus on uncovering hidden truth. Meaningful conversations.
October 17th- Full Moon in Aries
Venus Enters Sagitatius
Bold emotions and expanding in an adventurous side, especially assertiveness. Adventurous love and a desire for exploration.
What long-term commitments have I learned this month?
Take time to reflect on this year so far.
November- Striving for Balance, Expansion, Relationships, Pleasure, Finances, Home and the Bigger Picture
Elements: Tug of War
Nov. 1- New Moon in Scorpio
Transformation and Renewal, Letting Go of the old, intense emotions, shadow work, and diving into emotional depth.
November 3 Mars in Cancer Opposite Pluto in Capricorn
Venus in Sagittarius Opposite Jupiter in Gemini
Emotional Intensity, potential desires, and the need for control and change. There is a power struggle. There is a desire for loving communication and learning.
Nov. 15 Full Moon in Taurus stability finances and sensual experiences. Emotional Stability.
Nov. 16 Venus Square Lunar Nodes- Tension, relationships, values, and personal growth. Life’s path and Karmic lessons. Tension and growth challenges. Re-assessing and navigating partnerships.
Nov. 19 Pluto Re-enter Aquarius and stays there for another 20 years (March 8, 2043) - technological revolutions and freedom for the collective.
November 25- Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius - Review of personal convictions, opinions, and how things are shared. Be careful what media you consume and cautious in decision-making.
Nov. 30th New Moon in Sagittarius -
Expansive energy, optimism, and setting a new intention and a new adventure. Seeking truth and understanding. Higher Knowledge and Philosophy.
December- Calm Closing, Slowing Down, and Refection/ Setting up a Foundation, Gratitude around Family Gatherings and relationships that matter.
December 6th- Mars Retrograde in Leo and Cancer
Assertive expression, creativity, and revisiting creative projects and if they’re in alignment. Emotional assertiveness and understanding. Inward Expansion. Slowing Down.
Dec. 15 Full Moon in Gemini- Communication, information, and mental activity. Crackhead energy, Christmas parties. Reading, writing, and meaningful late-night conversations.
December 19th Venus Trines Jupiter Rx- Expansive love, generosity, and open heart. It is a very harmonious Christmas kind of energy.
December 24th Jupiter in Gemini Squares Saturn in Pisces - Fostering desire for diverse knowledge, but structure to expansiveness. Struggle between expansion and constraint. Freedom of speech and wanting to integrate and be grounded in a structured and tangible way. Intellectual expansion and intuitive restraint.
December 30th New Moon in Capricorn
A great time for setting New Years Intentions.